
About Us

Testimony Arena is a very special place for deliverance,healing and glorious miracles. It is a place for prayer warriors to exercise their God given authority in Jesus Christ, faith,battle, strategies and Spiritual excellence over demons & satanic powers. As ministry of the body of Christ, we preach salvation to the lost, pray for the sick and minister deliverance to the captive through the power of the Holy Spirit. we teach and train Godly leaders that will become militant for the kingdom f God. Part of the vision as a ministry also is religious charitable organization that will support vulnerable children whose parents are very poor and cannot afford to pay their fees, by offering scholarship facilities to them and providing shelter for them, vocational training centers for youths, so that they will become self reliant, and contribute towards community development and nation building.

Our Mission

We preach salvation to the lost. Pray for the sick and minister deliverance to the captive by the power of the Holy Spirit, teach and train Godly leaders, and contribute towards community development and nation building through education, religious charity and emergency relief services.

Our Vision

Where as it has been call of God upon the life of Prophet Mohamed Samuel Kamara to establish the testimony arena international ministry. The visionary (Prophet Mohamed Samuel Kamara) wants to see souls won from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. He wants to see people healed and delivered from satanic oppression and demonic harassment. He wants to set captive free by the power of the Holy Ghost nationally and internationally. It also part of his vision to establish a religious charitable and humanitarian organization to support vulnerable children whose parents are very poor and cannot afford to pay their fees, by offering scholarship facilities to them and providing shelter for them. It also part of his vision to establish schools for children, technical and vocational training centers for youths, so that they will become self reliant, and contribute towards community development and nation building.

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